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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Steeple Inspection & Evaluations by CIS Steeplejack

Steeples are a critical part of our architectural heritage and a beautiful aspect of our country's landscape. Many have already been lost due to neglect, poor workmanship, bad design or natural disaster, and each are costly, if not impossible, to replace.

It is a good idea to start with a thorough inspection and evaluation before entering into a repair and or extensive restoration project. This applies to all projects, but more specifically when your project is 100 -300ft tall and access to her is not user friendly. The key to a quality repair and restoration lies with an inspection performed by a knowledgeable "individual" who knows the history and architecture of historical and modern day church steeple, cupola, tower and dome engineering and architecture.

Many times our clients hire architects and or engineers to inspect or evaluate their projects. In most cases (13% of the time) today's architects and engineers get it right (sorta speak), as 10% of the 13% are church parishioners who retired as engineers and or architects. Believe me, it is a pleasure working beside these what I call "legends". They come from a time when "heart" and "soul" was the driving force behind building such outstanding structural religious icons, I solute them.

But most of the time our clients are paying high end fees and counting on today's modern engineers and architects to inspect and present "nut&bolt" solutions that ends up in costly, time consuming heretic which eventually turns into one big headache and a huge uneducated expense.
Please feel free to leave your comments and or contact me if you have any questions in regards to a thorough and knowlegable church steeple, cupola, tower and or dome inspection.

Thanking you in advance,
Michael Hardin
email: info@steepleusa.com

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